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Warm Greetings From SIS

Principal Clara Martin
Clara Martin


Dear Parent,

Welcome to this vibrant and inclusive community of Sabari Indian School! We hope that as you browse through our website you will gain an insight into our school, our values, the learning environment, and everything that contributes to making Sabari a truly unique school where every child is valued.

When you enter the hallways at Sabari, you will be greeted by walls which will speak to you as witnesses to not just the learning in and beyond the classroom but also the wellbeing of each member of our school. We pride ourselves on being a ‘Happy’ school and this happiness stems from the high-quality academic experiences that our students receive as well as the positive relationships that exist between all members of the school which bind us together as a strong community.

In this new academic year 2023-2024, I assure you that we will strive to enable our students to further enhance their knowledge, build on their 21st century skills and empower them with the right values to face any challenges that living in this transient world may involve. Our classrooms continue to be safe spaces where children can engage in animated discussions on varied topics, analyse and debate, reflect and create, learn through discovery, inquiry and problem solving, collaborate and work independently.

As parents you are an integral part of the school, and your contributions are always welcome. We encourage you to look at the communication shared by the school in the form of Year at a glance and the weekly plans which will help you to understand the delivery of the school curriculum and the pedagogies used. The annual school calendar shared with you has an array of activities all of which are aimed at the holistic development of our students and has been prepared meticulously by our motivated staff.

I wish all of us a fantastic year ahead, filled with delight and joy that true learning invokes. As John Dewey said. ‘Education is not preparation for life; Education is life itself’. Learning is a lifelong process; we will continue to learn from each other in and outside the school.

Best wishes

SIS Dubai
SIS Dubai
SIS Dubai